URRAP new road projects
Invited Grades :GC-V/RC-V (five) and above
Place of Bid Competition :Borana Zone
የተለያዩ የግንባታ ሥራዎች
Invited Grades : G.C-1/R.C-1, G.C-4/B.C-3 and above, G.C-5/R.C-4 and above…
Place of Bid Competition :በኦሮሚያ ብሔራዊ ክልላዊ መንግስት የቢሾፍቱ ከተማ ገንዘብ ጽ/ቤት
Construction works for Road Projects
Invited Grades :RC-4 or GC-5 and Above
Place of Bid Competition : Agarfa town Oromiya, Ethiopia
Remaining Bridge works After Terminated
Invited Grades :GC-5, RC-5, or BC-5 and above
Place of Bid Competition : Mattu town, Oromiya, Ethiopia
construction of Bridge project
Invited Grades :GC-5, RC-5, or BC-5 and above
Place of Bid Competition : Mattu town, Oromiya
Roads project
Invited Grades | GC-7/RC-7 and above |
road project / URRAP
Invited Grades | GC/RC -6 and above |
URRAP road project
Invited Grades | GC-5/RC-5 and above |
construction of Gravel Road & Office work
Invited Grades | GC-5/BC-4/RC-4 and above |
Sub Contracting side drainage works and retaining walls
Invited Grades | GC, RC, and BC with grades of 1 to 5 |
Bridge project
Invited Grades | GC 6 or RC 6 and above |
RoadEarth-Work URRAP Project
Invited Grades | GC/RC/-5 and above |
Roads project
Invited Grades | GC7/RC-7 & Above |
URRAP Construction Project
Invited Grades | GC/RC-6 and above |