Lot 1) Supply with construction at Dire Dawa Region Customer Service Center #2. Lot 2) Region office & SCADA Center Maintenance work
Invited Grades :GC/BC-4 & Above for lot 1 & GC/BC-5 and above for lot 2
, Place of Bid Competition : Dire Dawa
Construction of a Comprehensive Health Post
Invited Grades :GC/BC-6 & Above, Place of Bid Competition :Dire Dawa
Construction of Comprehensive Health Post
Invited Grades :GC/BC-6 & Above, Place of Bid Competition :Dire Dawa
Construction of The Dire Dawa Polytechnic College G+4 ICT Building
, Place of Bid Competition :Dire Dawa
Construction of The Dire Dawa Polytechnic College G+4 ICT Building.
, Place of Bid Competition :Dire Dawa
Construction of One new Incinerator, Two Ash pits, One placenta pit, and two water Tank holders, and the Rehabilitation work of Two latrines and two water supply system
Invited Grades : GC/BC-8 and AbovePlace of Bid Competition :Dire Dawa
Construction of One new Incinerator, Two water Tank holders & one market-based san, Center, and Rehabilitation work of Two latrines and two water supply systems
Invited Grades :GC/BC-8 and AbovePlace of Bid Competition :Dire Dawa
Constriction of one new market-based sanitation Center
Invited Grades :GC/BC-8 and Above Place of Bid Competition :Dire Dawa
Invited Grades :GC/BC-8 & Above Place of Bid Competition :D.D Administration Health Bureau
Major maintenance of Dormitory Toilets, Sites Sanitary, and Drainage work (25 Buildings)
Place of Bid Competition : ድሬዳዋ ዩኒቨáˆáˆ²á‰²