Maintenance of the gravel road project
Invited Grades :RC-7 or GC – 6 and above
, Place of Bid Competition : Gambella Rural Road Authority
ህንፃ ለማሳደስ…
Invited Grades :ከደረጃ 7-BC/GC እና ከዚያ በላይ
, Place of Bid Competition : የጋም/ህ/ብ/ክ/መንግስት የፍትህ ቢሮ
Construction for Winydiew Secondary School Expansion & Rehabilitation
Invited Grades :General Construction (GC-I) Licenses of Grade 3 and above or Building Construction of Licenses of Grade 3 and above
, Place of Bid Competition : Gambella
Construction of Akobo Woreda Kankan Kebele Secondary School
Invited Grades :General Construction Licenses of Grade 3 and above or Building Construction Licenses of Grade 3 and above
, Place of Bid Competition : Gambella
የአጥር ግንባታ፣ የመጋዘን ግንባታ እና የቢሮ ጥገና ግንባታ ሥራ
Invited Grades :5 BC/GC፤ ከዚያ በላይ
, Place of Bid Competition : የጋም/ህ/ብ/ክ/መንግስት የክልሉ ሥራ አመራር ኢንስቲትዩት
64 blocks of semi-permanent latrines, with each block containing four seats (two at the front and two at the back).
, Place of Bid Competition : Assosa
የትምህርት ቤት ግንባታ
Invited Grades :ደረጃ 6 እና 5 BC/GC ፤ ከዚያ በላይ
, Place of Bid Competition : በጋም/ህ/ብ/ክ/መንግሰት የትምህርት ቢሮ በጋምቤላ ክልል