ተጀምሮ ያልተጠናቀቀ የገነት ጉዞ ትኬት ቢሮ ግንባታ ቀሪ የማጠናቀቂያ ስራዎች (FINISHING WORKS) እና የአዳራሽ ፓርቲሽን ጥገና
Invited Grades :በሕንጻ/ጠቅላላ ስራ ተቋራጭነት ደረጃ -5 (አምስት) እና ከዚያ በላይ
, Place of Bid Competition : Addis Ababa
የህግ የታራሚዎች ማደሪያ ዶርም እና ሌሎች ተዛማጅ ህንፃ ግንባታ ስራዎች
Invited Grades :BC/GC 4/አራት/ እና ከዚህ በላይ
, Place of Bid Competition : የደ/ምዕ/ኢ/ህ/ክ/መ/ ማረሚያ ፖሊስ ኮሚሽን ሚዛን አማን
Health Post Projects
Invited Grades :BC/GC for Civil Works; and WWC for Water Supply Works of Health Post Projects
, Place of Bid Competition : Bahir Dar
Construction of Training Rooms with necessary equipment for Dairy Cattle Improvement Centre
Invited Grades :Grade 4 General Contractor or Grade 3 Building Contractor and above
, Place of Bid Competition : Addis Ababa